TIPS | Are you an Eco-Friendly Traveller? Top 10 practical tips

When you travel, how conscious are you of the environment? Have you thought about ways to be more Eco-friendlier? Have you thought about it, but it has been a bit difficult to put into action? We shared some tips on Instagram, and thought we should also post them here, so you can always refer back when you are leaving for your vacation.

We have some practical tips on ways you can be Eco -friendly when you travel below:

  1. Do not use plastic water bottles

    Water is generally cheap when purchasing in bulk, but it can actually be pretty costly each time you have to buy water. The airport these days, are allowing travelers to walk with their own bottles as long as there aren’t any liquid inside. And now have water dispensers that assist with the refills. We recommend using glass bottles or BPA-free water bottles to help with the environment and reducing the amount of plastic that is going to waste along with the coins in your pockets.

  2. Re-usable bags

    Similar to that of water bottles, you can also use bags that are reusable that you may have received at grocery stores, or departmental stores when you purchase their goods. The plastic bags are horrible for the environment, and these bags are actually far more durable. Besides, it takes 500 year for plastic bags to biodegrade.

  3. Public Transit vs renting a car

    Public Transit is a great way to familiarize yourself with the neighbourhood, in the event you get lost or need to provide directions. While renting a vehicle and driving gives you more convenience, public transit also helps with emissions from cars that pollute the air. However, If you enjoy a good walk, then we recommend walking as the best option or getting in some exercise by riding a bicycle. In certain countries such as Mexico, resorts located in Tulum offer free bicycles for their guests to get around the small town. No sense in driving or using public transit as it is quite small and known for their Eco-friendly services and products.

  4. Pack Light to reduce carbon emissions

    Did you know that the more the plane weighs, is the more carbon emissions it produces? If you need a quick reminder of how to pack light, check out our post here

  5. Home away from home

    At home, how often do you wash your laundry? Similarly, when staying in a hotel, rather get fresh clean towels, hang your towel up to dry after each use. You don’t wash your towels everyday at home, so why do it at the hotel? Remember, turn off your lights, and shower rather than take a bath. Being conscious of how long you shower as well.

  6. Local vs International resources

    There are hotels and restaurants that use only local resources to service their clients. There are a few restaurants that use local ingredients and thus, their menus change frequently to accommodate what is available, and also to offer fresher dishes. Hotels offer a similar service in that they are proactive with sustainability initiatives, such as solar power, wind turbines, rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient lighting, and low-flow toilets . Hotels also can contribute more by hiring locally, using locally sourced materials in the décor, or companies that utilize indigenous resources.

  7. Lotion, Shower Gel to go? Yes please

    My ultimate favourite part of traveling is taking home the sample size lotions and body gel. If they are used, the half emptied bottle gets thrown away with the plastic bottle that it is. So take those with you when you leave.

  8. Stick to the marked trails

    When you go off the beaten path, you may actually be harming the wildlife habitat, flora and overall natural

  9. Small Tours vs. Large Tours

    Try using tour operators that offer smaller groups oppose to large groups. This also reduces the carbon footprint. Ask questions such as do they support local businesses rather taking away from them. Do they hire the local people, and how are they giving back to their community? Also, please be mindful when purchasing from merchants that are supporting larger industries that harm animals such as circuses or tour operators that allow you to touch and ride the animals. These are actually harmful and most of the animals are captured.


  10. Be apart of their culture

    Enjoy the country you decided to visit by participating in their culture and norms. Explore their world by trying different foods, music and have fun while doing so. Don’t be that person that goes to India and asks for a juicy beef burger.

We hope this list will help you to become better Eco-friendlier travelers. Let us know if you have done, or will do any of these tips listed above.

Happy Traveling,
The Luxe and Lavish Team