TRAVEL NEWS | The impact the US election has on travel

The U.S. presidential election is quickly approaching and travel is a hot button topic. Trumps views surrounding the borders have been high profile when it comes to the coronavirus and the impact that has had on international travel

Below we have listed what both Trump and Biden have mentioned in their campaigns surrounding travel industry.

Support for the travel industry

Both Biden and Trump are supportive of the travel industry because they understand the effects it has on the economy. Fin Gomez a White House producer for CBS News has said “Both campaigns are aware of this massively important industry. As we can tell from the White House’s renewed interest in (a possible 2nd) bailout. People like to travel. Regardless of who wins, both know it’s good for business.”

Kris van Cleave points out that President Trump is a big supporter of the travel industry as a whole:

A President Trump win would likely continue the status quo which includes the President’s shoot from the hip style which brings with it some uncertainty and unpredictability. That said Mr. Trump has remained sympathetic to the plight of the travel industry as it is one of the few singled out specifically as need(ing) additional aid.  It is also a sector he that is near and dear to him given his business holdings.”

Another airline bailout?

Both President Trump and former Vice President Biden have expressed support for a second bailout for the travel industry as there were upwards of 40,000 airline workers who were furloughed beginning Oct. 1, as the CARES Act ran out which was $25 billion.

Trump is considering a skinny bailout for airlines relief as the Democrats had passed a second bailout called the HEROES Act back in May that included money for the airlines, but was not passed by the Senate. Currently looking at a second HEROES Act, but without Senate cooperation it may not pass.

Travel bans

Gio Benitez is ABC’s News Transportation Correspondent. said, “In late January, President Trump restricted some travelers who had visited China from entering the U.S. (American citizens, green card holders, their families, and health care workers were exempt). On March 13, Trump expanded that ban to Europeans. Later, the U.K. was added to the list and eventually Brazil. Vice President Biden’s campaign has said, “he supports travel bans guided by medical experts and public health officials. and backed by a full strategy”

New safety protocols

A San Francisco-based reporter covering airlines and travel. He said, “Under a Biden administration, I expect the federal government to finally jump in and mandate a lot of the safety protocols we already see when traveling like mandatory masks on planes, trains, and buses. So far, it’s been a hodge-podge of rules devised by individual airlines, airports, train operators, and bus companies. The enforcement is inconsistent, and I expect a Biden Department of Transportation to step in with a sweeping set of guidelines for all U.S. operators.”

The White House has advised against a nationwide mandates on masks or other safety measures. This has created confusion and a lack of uniformity amongst airlines and airports as he has left it for each one to decide on enforcement. So much so that the New York Times reported that Trump White House blocked a CDC plan to require masks. The Department of Transportation has rejected calls multiple times to require masks on commercial transportation.

Politico reports Joe Biden pledged to make masks on all public transportation a requirement if he wins

National tracking and tracing program

One shift we would see is that Biden would have plans for a national uniform strategy to deal with COVID-19, unlike what is transpiring under the Trump administration which has left COVID-19 policy to individual states. .

Biden is for a national tracking and tracing program and would hire 100,000 Americans to do national contact tracing. The Biden campaign has also pushed for some $25 billion for national testing & technologies to ensure it is quick testing, eliminating long lines and results.

The Biden campaign website says they would begin by:

“Amending the Public Health Service Act to immediately cover all testing, treatment, and preventive services that are necessary to address a Public Health Emergency for an infectious disease. Once triggered by the HHS Secretary in consultation with the CDC, all commercial plans in all markets will be immediately required to cover such services as COVID-19 testing and any eventual vaccine with no copayments and deductibles, including for the visits themselves.”

Control of COVID-19

The best result is to get the coronavirus under control.

Naveed Jamali is a national security expert and author of “How to Catch a Russian Spy.” He told Travel point guys that:

“I haven’t been on a plane for 6 months. Trips for work and pleasure for many Americans have been not only curtailed but indefinitely suspended. So what’s the solution? Bringing the virus under control, period. Until that happens Americans will not likely resume air travel. So the question about saving the airline industry must look at which candidate will be the most effective in controlling the spread of the virus and overseeing its decline. It’s hard to see anyway in which Trump has handled this pandemic effectively or competently, so Biden is the best hope for airline industry, country, and the world. “

Richard Fowler is a Fox News contributor and political analyst. “The (travel) industry is hurting. The only way we’re going to get to some type of recovery in the pandemic is by getting this virus under control or flattening the curve. If you look at both candidates and their plans or lack thereof. There’s only one candidate who is taking this pandemic seriously, and has been a follower of CDC guidelines — former VP Joe Biden.”

Cruise industry

A points guy cruise reporter says:

“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a “no-sail” order for cruise ships operating in U.S. waters through the end of October. The agency reportedly had wanted to extend that order into February but was overruled by top Trump administration officials. It seems clear that the Trump administration wants to see cruise ships return to sailing in North America soon, perhaps as soon as December (most cruise lines already have canceled all North American sailings for November, so December is now the earliest we could see cruising in North America in a meaningful way). If Trump wins the election, my money is on the “no-sail” order being lifted in November and cruising resuming at least in a limited way in December. If Biden wins, we could see more deference to the scientists at the CDC, who have seemed leery of allowing cruising to resume anytime soon. My best guess is that a Biden administration would allow the CDC to extend its “no-sail” order for at least another couple months. The wildcard here is that even if Biden wins, a lame-duck Trump administration in November or December could overrule the CDC and allow cruising to resume.”


President Trump is a big fan of long-distance passenger train service while Biden enjoys his Amtrak commuting and his love of passenger rail.

China policy

For a Biden Administration, seems that it would be a better relationship with China meaning a potential lucrative business travel and overall relations, whereas with Trump Administration it would continue to deteriorate.

Cuba policy

When Obama introduced the USA and Cuba policy, President Trump was elected and erased policies allowing Americans visiting Cuba. In June 2019, Trump administration made it almost impossible for Americans to visit when it banned visiting via cruise ships, private yachts or on group educational or cultural trips. This year, new sanctions were imposed on Cuba.

A Biden administration would likely return to Obama-era Cuba policies including allowing U.S. investment and a return of air traffic and American tourism.

What’s next for Airline industry no matter who wins?

The biggest challenge is when will a viable vaccine be widely available and how does its distribution go?”

The thoughts are that regardless of who wins the travel industry may see a benefit as Trump will not want to close the country as it will hurt the economy and Biden will allow people to travel but call for a national mandate on wearing masks in public. He will support airlines and hotels and try to keep them solvent.