

TRAVEL TIPS | How to travel safely for the holidays

With COVID-19 and being on lockdown for months, and the numbers increasing after the summer months, surveys that have been taking polls on travelers perspectives have indicated people are more inclined to not travel due to their safety.

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Tourism Day, how will you celebrate?

Some of us, took advantage of the great weather this past summer, and explored our own province/state and essentially became tourists in our own country. A lot of people look at travel as escapism, or a change in scenery, but some of us realized we have beautiful places only a few hours drive from home that can satisfy our craving to travel.

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TRAVEL NEWS |Do you know your rights regarding Travel Cancellations?

Soon after rebooking options and future travel vouchers were the options being given oppose to refunding, and there was a lot of push back and angry customers. As this situation continues to persist well after seven months people are in a situation of unrest as they are unsure how far out to postpone their travel vacations or how to manage the travel restrictions of countries that will either not allow them to enter or have requirements of quarantining and as such would prefer to get their money back.

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